JUDICIARY Latest Features

Ag CJ Inaugurates National Physical Planning Board

The AgChief Justice, Hon. Justice Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny-Dollo presided over theswearing in and inauguration ceremony of members of the National PhysicalPlanning Board at the Judiciary Headquarters in Kampala.

The11-member Board draws members from the academia, government parastatals as wellas professional bodies. Ms Amanda Ngabirano a representative of the academiafrom Makerere University will serve as Ag Chairperson. Others include VincentByendaimira (Ministry of Lands, Housing & Urban Development), JackieKemigisha (Ministry of Local Government), Edward Ssimbwa (Ministry Works &Transport), Dr. Jerome Lugumira (National Environment and ManagementAuthority), Tugume Dennis (National Planning Authority), Florence Nambooze(Institute of Surveyors), Josephine Nalubega (Uganda Society of Architects),Dr. Ernest Kimbugwe and Acola Amina (Private Sector).

The Ag.Chief Justice urged the appointees to uphold the oaths taken. "Thisresponsibility is a heavy one...hence the need for each one of you to live bythe oath you have sworn to perform to the best of your abilities", he said.

Adding,"I believe that you will rise to the occasion and make a difference for thegood of our country."

He urgedthe Board to execute its mandate of planning for national development as hereminisced of days gone by when Kampala was a fortress of solace forcolonialists in East Africa.

Hefurther appealed to them to have strategies in place that will make Kampala agreat city again by devising solutions to poor planning, congestion andenvironmental degradation.

TheMinister of Land and Urban Planning, Hon.  Beti Olive Kamya, said she was confident thatthe new Board would help the government to achieve its plans towardsdevelopment and proper land use.

Ministers;Hon. Raphael Magyezi and Hon. Isaac Musumba, the Permanent Secretary Ministry ofLands and Urban Development, Mrs Dorcas Okalany; and Ag, witnessed the ceremony.Chief Registrar, HW Tom Chemutai.

Posted 14th, July 2020
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